24th July

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29th June

Seeing as though walmart has everything under the sun, the thought came to me last nite while I was shopping for Grand Theft Auto 4 at midnight; when is this place going to have a night club?  It already has a Mcdonalds, an arcade, beauty salon, Pharmacy and optometrist.  To me, it would make sense to add a night club or something along those lines in areas where Walmart is the only sense of entertainment to be had (like in states Montana or Wyoming).  They would be able to stay open all day/night and have plenty of supplies on hand for partying purposes (alcohol, mixers, games for the sober people, food).  Club Walmart, Your mid-west reason for being.

28th June

This is afwreck a good strain from nothern california.

28th June

We are still smoking.  This is the new level.  Peace. 


p.s.  By the way, I just managed to get high.  Resourcefully.  YES!
